The Olympics! What a show for Speed Climbing

The Olympics! What a show for Speed Climbing

In the past weeks we've seen an incredible show on the biggest sport stage in the world, the Olympics.

We couldn't have hoped for a better results, all the athletes where at their best and the number of correct runs and all the records beaten confirms again what we just said.

We had a great opportunity to display the pinneacle of Speed climbing and we think that thanks to the strength of our community all the athletes have had the opportunity to display their best, in an arena that makes you say "WOW!"

And now, let's go into the details!

The Olympic record had been broken 8 times for the mens and almost all the girls have made their PB, what a show!

The world records have been beaten by Samuel Watson and demolished by Aleksandra Miroslaw that made the closest attempt to be the first women to go sub6" on the speed wall with a fantastic 6.06" during the qualification round.

All the girls showed their true potential making every run an adrenaline rush with the expectations of a new PB every time an athlete made a run, unfortunatly during the quarter finals we lost Emma Hunt for a bad slip that costed her a place in the semifinal round, she will for sure continue to grow to become one of the fastest if not the fastest girl on earth!

To be noted in the men's everyone went down fron 5 cents to 20+ cents down with their PB and the girls kept up with PBs on PBs.

The predictions were quite clear, Miroslaw and Watson with a gold medal around thier neck, some betting sites were giving the win of Watson at 1.25:1 or if you prefer a 90% win.

Unfortunately Watson had a little slip on the wall under the hold number 10 during the semi-final round that costed him the Big final, he recovered well by making a new world record during the Small final setting it at 4.74".

In conclusion, we want to thank all the athletes, coaches, the IOC and IFSC to have made our sport even greater thanks to this fantastic opportunity to take part at the Olympic games.

See you at the next article!